Flexion sees an increase in game usage during the Corona outbreak

Social behaviour is changing as the impact of the virus spreads globally

LONDON, 10th of March, 2020 – Flexion Mobile Plc (Nasdaq: FLEXM), the Android games distribution company today reports that it is seeing an effect of the Corona virus on the mobile games market. Increased mobile game usage and spend were first identified in China when the outbreak started and Flexion now confirms similar patterns in its distribution channels and games outside China.

“We have received questions from shareholders and investors about the impact of the Corona virus on the mobile games market. Traditionally, mobile games have not been affected by economic downturns.  The current and unprecedented situation with this virus does not seem to be any different. In bad times people play and spend more on mobile games”, says Jens Lauritzson, CEO of Flexion Mobile.

Below are some of the articles published on this topic.



For more information

Niklas Koresaar CFO, Email: ir@flexionmobile.com. Tel: +44 207 351 5944

About Flexion Mobile Plc: 

Flexion offers a distribution service for free-to-play Android games. Using the service games can be distributed in multiple channels such as Amazon, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi and leading regional distribution channels in India, South Korea and Japan. These are channels that developers are struggling to reach and support. At the core of Flexion’s service is the patented enabling and enhancement software that converts developer’s existing Android games into specific game versions for the new stores without any work required by the developers. Flexion Mobile Plc is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Shortname: FLEXM. Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, info@fnca.se.